Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dreaming Recollections

i dreamed of a recollection of my life's true direction,then woke up disconnecting my connection from rejection,i just witnessed a projection of ME as priceless as an ancient art collection,then saw myself crossing love and sorrows intersection,as i preformed my purified defection from lowly imperfection to imperial perfection,
which has lead me to become a non believer in the holy resurrection,due in part because your "god" refuses preform corrections,to a society preoccupied with the next persons complexion,
i am learning to see HUMANS not colors,
i wonder what if the world saw itself through my eyes,would it fight to stay alive or commit suicide?,as i analyze the speed in which my thoughts collide,that i confine when i confide in my mind that moonlights as a bonafied Jekyll and Hyde,when viewed from the other side that once cast it aside then denied an upside,no wonder i must try my hardest no to subside,and only make my presence known when my tears have dried!!!....

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