Sunday, September 4, 2011

W.age A.ppointed R.esources

Warm breaths..followed by cold heartbeats on these harsh streets, where reality meets - every letter my pen leaks, and my sanity greets everyone of my great feats - I ever scribbled on a sheet, creating a physical receipt...for everything my eyes ever paid for,
I don't mind working I just wish I made a little more,
Picture a life where the working poor, are slaving to maintain a petty status & decor...of higher standards then the people living next door,
Call it what you'd like but to ME thats WAR,
Where on the front lines being bombarded by late fees and fines, social constructs that intend to undermine...the light this darkness forced me to shine while this economy spirals in a rapid decline...because this financial system is an artificial shrine, designed to confine - you - in a state impossible to align...with the universal energy I encountered as divine,
The death of all financial institutions is what I call a new age revolution,...for all born on the wrong side of prostitution - getting fucked by thee almighty dollar,
Making a living off the crumb that broke the roach back,
Some make a living off a crumb called crack provided by the government as they profit off the resources we lack,
Somedays I wonder why my asthma attacks...then I remember there are people in shacks - without a radio,
NEVER ignore the ratio...of that haves and the have nots,
As the haves sail the seas at 30 knots on luxury yachts....the have nots begin to organize & plot, for the demise of OUR oppressors who enslaved US in a melting pot,
These are diverse plantations and that's a serious allegation...but...don't blame me blame the tense relations - between the midget consumer and giant corporation, look no further for an explanation,
The time to act is NOW fuck an invitation,
It's time to RISE high fuck a limitation,
Cementing my foundation fuck a fluctuation,
Becoming one of one with the earths rotations and conversing with the earths vibrations...but not like the ones that effected every Haitian - those were man made,
To keep thee enslaved and poor people afraid, and to show US that even during a disaster...somebody will get PAID!!!!

High Hopes

I proclaim this order is disorder as I trespass over each imaginary border,
In a land where you can barely drink the water...unless you'd like a dose Floride, plus you can't flows through your plumbing no matter where you reside,
That's why my civic pride died - on the day I was denied the simple right to decide,
Therefore...since my third eye opened I have yet to let it blink in a world whose inhabitants are to lazy to think,
I put two and two together and think outside of the box that once restrained me with physiological locks, that were tougher than escaping out of two Fort Knox,
Now I'm banging on the system - when most people are too afraid to knock, all in still they mock me cus I won't the next trend designed to raise a company's stock,
And even worse they criticize the moment you begin to rise,
Now I'm forced to improvise with high hopes to stay wise - while time flies, knowledge is being draped in a disguise and even worse..taught to mimic lies,
So my ears now decipher the cries but my eyes remain on the prize,
Which is less like a prize - more the way I want to live - but first I had to learn to GIVE a fuck again,
That last line might be the realest shit I've ever penned or typed out before I pressed send,
As I document this journey to not only ascend but universally transcend...
Pardon if my stubborn ways left you offended...after all that wasn't what I intended,
As far as life goes I've just begun to comprehend it - with high hopes - that my time on earth can somehow be extended!!

Love Crime

It hurts to be a part of relationship that's doomed from the very start, all because you fell in love with a broken heart that when pieced back together resembled fine art,
If only there was contraception for petty deception,
Torment and Bliss...I've outlined they're connection, then I realized that they were linked together by affection,
Whether never shown or over applied,
I remember when my hands would glaze and glide over her body as I dried every tear she ever cried,
With that said - when she asked me if I loved her...I lied!!,
The NO that I replied was created by a pride I had yet to push aside,
I've been down this lonely road so many times, luckily for me there's not a penitentiary for love crimes,
I'd be sitting on loves death row reaping for the seeds I never got a chance to sow, maybe because people rarely got a chance to ever know the persona I had to learn to rarely show,
Even so...I wonder how much I owe for quid pro being my status quo,
In all reality a snakes skin sheds slow...oh! me be the woe!!


(Exhale) I'm working re tail and trying pre vail,
So..certain goals vanished others just went stale,
Overdue bills in the mail, begging to overwhelming and derail a mentality that is NOT frail - despite traveling down the life trail at the pace of a small snail, the tortoise gaining ground on the hare,...I progress,
(Harsh fact) first I must address the issues that I came across when I chose to assess, these thoughts my mind would tend express...while in a state of solitude,
(Perhaps) in order to feel renewed - I gotta learn to exclude how I see myself from the manor that I'm viewed,
(Basically) I don't mean to be lewd, but fuck the worlds opinions and all lies spewed,
Marinating in deception...we've all been stewed - with underpaying jobs and processed food,
(Zombies) ask me why I chose to have a barcode tattooed, I reply "Because your subdued!",
Here's a jewel for you - GET YOUR EYES UNGLUED,...from from the tv screen before you reek of a movie scene that we've all seen,
We all know the need to state them,...
I'll never fit the mold of a lead actor and maybe that was the underlining why I once became a subservient detractor,
Tell me who the fuck knows?!?!,
If you ever find them ask them why the wind blows,...and see if they can answer that!!