Tuesday, December 28, 2010

When Your Around

When your around I can't control how my heart beats,
I can't control how my blood flows,
I can't control what my body loves to feel and my heart thinks it knows,
I can't control the smile your presence makes me shed or the tingles on the back of my neck as your lips graze my skin,
I can't control the thoughts that run marathons in my head as i think of you,
I can't control the dreams I have of you as I chase you in my sleep,
I can't control how the warmth of your body satisfies me,
I can't control the pleasure I'm inspired to cater you with or the joy I'd like to shower you with for infinite days and nights,
I can't control so much in this world but one thing I can control is how I treat you,
Metaphorically I'd love to give you the sun moon and stars...translation-I want to give you the originator of all in existence,
The elements that combine to show you how I feel have yet to be discovered!!
The brightest minds and highest iq's have yet to quantify how you make me feel,
For you are the current master of all that I can't control,
The current owner of the factory that produces my emotions,
The current employee in my hearts store selling my affection back to me,
You are more then you could imagine and too much for me to explain,
You are beauty at its finest,
You are love at it's loveliest,
You are perfection in my eyes both when open tight and wide shut,
You are....you!! And that's what I appreciate the most,
For all the things I can't control...fuck it let's have a toast!!

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