Monday, July 19, 2010

My Notebook and I

now listen close as i begin to speak,
MY HANDS ARE ON FIRE!!! and burning from the heat,
my fingers are scorching!
i grip the pencil and it begins to leak lead onto the page as high as a mountains peak,
my pencils point is currently about as sharp as a prehistoric birds beak.
it tears a hole through the page as my creativity begins to reek,
with the smell as strong as a low tide,in a river so polluted that jumping in would be suicide!
the pages screams "this is outrageous that's enough,get your act together and man up,in all actuality your life isn't that rough",
i reply, "would you rather me act tough?, my skin is already as tough as leather!",
the page replies, "naw dog, your skins as tough as pleather,it may look like leather, but too easy to penetrate,why do you think you find it so hard for you to repel the hate?"
i replied,"WAIT!!!, you mean to tell me the texture of my skin is easier then i thought to penetrate,that only means I'm stronger for all up to this day i tolerate,not to mention all the bullshit shoveled my way, don't act like you don't know now page, i write on you almost everyday,you know all the things i always wanted to but never had the heart to say,
so i implore you!!!!! don't turn your back on me,if not for you i would have to write it on top of me,and when i run out of space,begin writing on every wall i see!".
the pages turns itself and then a blank one stares back at me,
it says,"USE ME!, as your canvas like Leonardo Divinci, used the Sistine chapel that has weathered the course of history",
i looked for a second then said, "is that really how highly you think of me?,that you believe my words can stand up to the test of true history",
the blank page said,"let your pencil touch me, and lets begin to see!!!!!"

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